Financing Your Future
For many young people, the path to higher education can be daunting with multiple deadlines to meet and forms to complete. Use these tools to help your students map out the journey and deftly navigate higher education financing options.

Education Beyond High School: A Family Conversation
Share this guide with parents to help them and their teens discuss career options as well as higher education and career training. The guide also provides links to resources for families to explore costs and financial aid options.
Exploring Earning Potential
Students will explore how education and training impact future earning potential. They will also understand the relationship between education, training, and lifetime earnings.

Exploring Earning Potential
In this module, students learn about factors that influence their earning potential. Students examine the relationship between education and lifetime earnings, how fields of study can have an impact on earning potential, and what to look for when researching earnings and careers.
Supplemental Resource Links
Learn to Earn
In this lesson, students learn about the relationship between human capital (education and training) and income potential. They also discuss factors to consider when deciding on a career path.
Human Capital Infographic
This infographic compares how long it takes people with different education levels to earn a million dollars. It also shows the impact education has on both unemployment and weekly earnings.
Saving for College
Your students can view a video of how one young person compares jobs and considers the return on investment of higher education.
Cost of Living Calculator
Students find out how much they would need to earn if they moved to a different part of the country.
Weighing Your Career Options
Help your students examine factors to consider when selecting a career or employer, such as potential earnings, job availability, opportunities for advancement, and education requirements.

Weighing Your Career Options
Students will consider how to choose a career. The module will review important considerations, such as potential earnings, job availability, opportunities for advancement, and education requirements.
Supplemental Resource Links
Career Outlook
Your students can access up-to-date information on job trends including articles and graphic displays of data.
My Next Move
Your students can explore this site to learn about careers by searching, browsing by category, or completing an interest survey. (Also available in Spanish.)
Will Your Job be Done by a Machine
What are the chances a job you want will be done by a machine 20 years from now? Students discover the probability and learn what factors influence the answer. Spoiler alert: The chance of high school teachers being replaced by machines is calculated at 0.8%!
Career Exploration
In this hands-on lesson, students discuss their perceptions of certain jobs and then independently research a career of interest. Students report back in small groups. (To access these resources, you will need to register for a free account and verify that you are an educator. Once logged in, the link above will take you directly to the resource.)
Careers in the Military
Students can explore information about military careers.
Choosing Your Path After High School
Your students will explore what education or training they will need to achieve their personal career goals. Use these resources to prepare students to develop an education and career plan.

Choosing Your Path After High School
In this module, students explore their options after high school including further education and work. Students will consider their current plans and what might influence their decisions, learn about the options available to them, and view a series of questions that can help guide their decision-making process.
Supplemental Resource Links
Working Hard for the Money: Career Options
This lesson will help your students identify career options the education or training they will need.
College Scorecard
Help students find the right college fit for them, including the median salary of graduates by college and degree program.
Occupational Handbook
Your students can explore information on duties, education and training, pay, and the outlook for hundreds of occupations through this federal government website.
Virtual Field Trips: Careers
With these videos, you can take your students on virtual field trips to meet individuals performing a wide range of jobs.
What Are The Most Lucrative Trades?
Expose students to high-paying, in-demand careers in the trades that do not require a 4-year degree along with cautionary advice about for-profit schools and lifetime earnings.
Financing Further Education
What options are available to finance education and training after high school? Help your students discover options such as scholarships, grants, loans, work study, apprenticeships, and military service.

Financing Further Education
This module will help your students consider how they and their families will pay for their education and training after high school. Your students will explore options such as scholarships, grants, loans, work study, apprenticeships, and military service.

Financial Aid: Just an Application Away
After differentiating between student aid facts and misconceptions, students work in small groups to research and share information on applying for financial aid from various sources.
Supplemental Resource Links
Have your students play this game to learn about the issues involved with paying for higher education. This worksheet can be used to gather student insight.
It’s a Plan
Find checklists for teachers, students, and families as students prepare for college. Checklists cover important tasks to accomplish during each grade in high school, broken down by month. Parents will find this information very helpful. (Also available in Spanish.)
Paying for College
This unit includes multiple lessons, activities, and projects focused on paying for college. (Portions available in Spanish.)
Tuition Tracker
Dive into the difference between a college’s sticker price and the net price many students can expect to pay once various forms of financial aid are applied.
How America Pays for College
Explore information about how families are paying for college and what they think about their return on investment with the complete report or the infographic.
Understanding Education Financing Options

Understanding Education Financing Options
Compare education financing options to make informed choices. Find out the difference between loans and grants/scholarships. Learn about loan terms, GPA requirements, and duration of aid.

Supplemental Resource Links
Annotated College Financing Plan
Understanding financial aid award letters isn’t always easy. Explore this annotated sample of what colleges provide to students and their families.
Halls of Knowledge: Financing College
This lesson focuses on student loan management, different college financial aid choices, and the relationship between earning potential of a degree and its cost.
Federal Student Aid Estimator
Help students and their families estimate how much federal financial aid they might qualify for with this tool from the federal government.
Share this video with students to introduce the FAFSA form and encourage them to complete it as soon as it is available each year.
Financial Aid Comparison Tool
If your students are seniors and getting financial aid offers, share this tool that helps with comparing offers from different schools and knowing what to consider when making financial aid decisions.
Student Loans
Explore this infographic and the accompanying information with students while discussing the different types of student loans.